The Benefits of Becoming An Amazon Bestseller

While becoming an Amazon Bestseller has many benefits it is important to point out that achieving bestseller status is not about selling a load of books and getting rich fast.

In fact, running an Amazon bestseller campaign can be quite expensive unless you are personally co-ordinating the campaign yourself and even then it will at least be very time-consuming. It's how you leverage your bestseller status that will make the difference to your career.

Hence, if you decide to incorporate an Amazon bestseller campaign into your book marketing plan you need to think strategically and have a long-term vision of what you want to achieve. This will help prepare you for some of the opportunities that can come your way as a result of becoming a best-selling author. You will also be better placed to evaluate the opportunities that may come your way because certainly you may not want to run with all of them.

So 10 potential benefits of running an Amazon bestseller campaign are that you can:

1. Turn an unknown book into an overnight success

Once your book becomes an Amazon Bestseller you can leverage this status to increase future book sales.

2. Boost your credibility

A well co-ordinated and executed campaign will help you to gain massive exposure among your peers, their followers and other individuals. A well-run campaign can potentially expose you to hundreds of thousands, if not millions of individuals.

3. Gain expert status

As an author you will be regarded as an expert in your chosen field. This however, is dependent upon book sales. A bestselling author will naturally have more wide-spread recognition and be more likely to be regarded as the 'go-to' person in your field.

4. Receive offers for lucrative speaking engagements

Speaking engagements will again increase your exposure, recognition and further boost your credibility especially if you appear onstage along with other high profile speakers. As a bestselling author be able to command higher fees for speaking and you will often have the edge over someone working in your niche who is not a bestselling author.

5. Increase your fees

Now that you have achieved expert status you'll find it easier to charge more for your consulting and or coaching services. In fact, if you don't charge sufficiently high enough prices for your services you may lose credibility.

6. Fill your live events more easily

This is another spin-off of the expert-status you gained by becoming a published author. However, the fact that enough people bought your book to elevate it to bestseller status is further proof that you have something to say that's worth listening to.

7. Attract foreign publishers

As a published author the more you're able to extend your readership the better. It's far easier to have publishers approach you than the other way round. Other publishers take note of bestsellers and so achieving Amazon bestseller status can lead to offers from other publishers.

8. Create other great joint venture partnerships

The success of your campaign depends upon the quality of the joint venture partnerships and or strategic alliances you forge with those who agree to participate in your campaign. If your campaign is well-run and successful then it is likely that these individuals will be happy to partner with you again on other ventures.

9. Substantially increase your own opt-in list

Running an Amazon bestseller campaign provides a great opportunity for you to increase the number of your subscribers as individuals will have to submit their name and email address to gain access to the bonuses you're offering. And as you will be gaining exposure to the mailing lists of your partners this presents a huge opportunity to significantly expand your mailing list.

10. Generate massive volumes of traffic

Through your campaign you can drive massive volumes of traffic to your website and or blog where you can sell other products and or services.

This really is the tip of the iceberg as to what you can achieve through a successful Amazon bestseller campaign. And ultimately what you achieve from your campaign will be down to your creativity in how you leverage your status.

However, from this list of benefits I'm sure you can appreciate why so many people go to the trouble of running such a campaign. The work involved is well worth the potential rewards.

About the Author

Learn how you can plan and manage a successful Amazon Bestseller Campaign at Becoming A Bestseller. And, for details on a world-class book marketing event where you can discover how to build your own multi-media publishing empire visit -

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